Oct 2, 2011


  Okay, over a month since my last update. It's all because of infinite. Haha! I shouldn't blame the 7 guys because being hot is not a crime. Sorry to say, I used to hate those KPOP idols but after watching infinite's Before The Dawn, I started calling myself a KPOP lover. In fact, I am just an inspirit (fan of infinite) but not a KPOP lover.

  Now everyone's worrying about the coming final examination. Yeah, it's just around the corner. 9 more days! Haih, but I'm still watching infinite's performance EVERY DAY. I've tried to pick up my revision books, but perhaps they are just too heavy, I put them down again without finish reading even a single chapter. That's me. If it's not the last minute, I don't think I will do my revision no matter how important the examination is. I should change, before sitting for SPM.